To create animations for the Fire Safety Training E-Learning course.
The animations created were a mixture of Lottie animations and traditional video animations for an industry-standard e-learning software program called Storyline. The Lottie animations had their challenges and limitations, so the best approach I took was to go simple with animation - just using the main transform properties of position, scale, rotation and opacity, as well as animating the path.
The Lottie and video animations were imported and coded into the Storyline development, to then be exported and delivered on an online learning platform.
Company produced aimed at customers.

Fire Safety Training Intro Scene

MP4 video animation | Fire Safety Training start screen

Professional Kitchen Intro Scene

MP4 video animation | Professional kitchen fire scenario intro

Kitchen Items Reaction

MP4 video animation | Items in the kitchen reacting to fireworks explosion after the user has selected the “fireworks” option to put out a fire.

Game Over Screen

MP4 video animation | Game over screen when the user fails the training

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